Friday, May 29, 2009

How do you make money online?

I have a number of things online
'going on all at once'.

A couple of Etsy Shops,
(for my art related businesses)
an Imagekind Shop,
a Zibbet Shop,
Three Zazzle Shops
and it doesn't stop there.

I have about
ten mini-websites, all of which
I have attached some affiliate marketing links
somewhere on each site.
And, at least that many blogs,
also with affiliate links attached.

Each site is very 'niche-specific'...and the intent
is not as much about making 'lots' of money per...
but rather, a little of money on a lot of different sites.
My mindset....the more streams of income I have
going...the better. top all of these sites...I also have
about 15 Squidoo Lenses and a couple of Hub pages...
and I write numerous articles,
some for my 'bum' marketing
and some for CASH.

The point I'm trying to make here is...
not that I am advocating seeing how 'thin' one can 'spread' themselves...

I NEED to make $57.00 a day/ 7 days a week....
not all that much..right???

A few years ago I was sticking to pretty much
one venue...
selling my original art on eBay...
and everything was going just fine and DANDY.
I didn't need to make as much in those days...
and I was making what I needed turn...made me an eBay Power Seller.

Okay...sounds great...and then.......?????
eBay changed the rules in the middle of the game.
Not only could I not afford
to 'play with the big boys'...
I saw my sales take such a plunge
that I could no longer afford to continue on eBay.

So...what happened?

I put all of my eggs into
(1) one eBay basket...
and when it dropped...
my eggs broke!

I learned not to trust any (1) one thing
for my entire income.

Now...I work my behind off...
trying to get everything all set up.
I've stumbled a few times...and fumbled a few more...
but, I'm finally seeing income coming in
from multiple sources.
Once all of the set up and promoting of each site
has been taken care of...
most of the hard work is out of the way...
then, it's just a matter of maintenance.

So...I've got money coming from
Etsy (from art sales)
Zazzle (three shops worth)
Affiliate sources (as affiliate items begin to sell)
Referral fees (from buyers who click on my affiliate links and then buy something else)
Article marketing (directing buyers to my sites and blogs where they purchase something through my affiliate links)
Article writing (outright article sales)

It's what I have to do to
make a living.
But...I'm finally beginning to get it all down
to a science!

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Free Affiliate Convention in Denver

To find out more information and register
for the convention, if you are interested,
just go to the Affiliate Convention website.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sell your stuff on Zibbet

Zibbet is a relatively new site where you
can sell your
handmade crafts, jewelry, paintings, supplies,
even vintage products.

You can "set up shop"
list the items you want to sell...
and it won't cost you anything
until you sell something.
Then, the commission is a mere 7.5%.

They've recently started a referral program
on Zibbet...where they will take 2.5% of
their commission and give it to you
for LIFE.

I have one shop on Zibbet and I'm
seriously considering opening another.

To learn more about their program,
and I give the site owners 'kudos' for their
'hands on' customer service,
go to Zibbet and check it out!
It's one of the most affordable ways to
start an online business.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I had to look elsewhere.

I recently updated my 'Wealthy Affiliate' post.
With nothing really negative to say about the program, it just wasn't the 'right' fit for me.
First....I don't have any extra money to purchase the extra 'info' I wanted. Much of their program focuses on PPC....and I am not yet in a financial position to go 'there'.

I still needed to work the program though. So....I decided to give this program a's a little more 'user-friendly'....with all of the step-by-step "how-to's" that I really needed to relieve a lot of the confusion I took away from the Wealthy Affiliate program.
Here is the program I signed on cost me half as much each month...and I already have a website set up...following her step by step instructions. I REALLY needed these instructions to set up a site over at WA, and could not find them.HTML code: Visit

I'm sticking with 'Bum Marketing' for now. I'm signed up with several affiliate programs and currently have over 100 different accounts with links to include in articles, mini-sites and the like.

For an 'un-biased' support system, I have elected the 'Warrior Forum'. It's free to join, and you have to be a member to participate.

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

5 Step Bum Marketing

5 step Bum Marketing....

Step 1 ....Find your 'hungry' market and then...write lots and lots of articles for that 'hungry' market.
---So..where do you find that 'hungry' market???
*Find out what people are looking for. Search eBay pulse, Top searches for day, week, month and year, Amazon hot picks, etc.
---Then, find product. You can check clickbank, affiliate sites (like Pepperjam) and Amazon associates. (You need to be able to monetize your efforts.)

Step 2....Write some more articles in niches you are already having some success in. (Okay...unless you have lots and lots of FREE time, you may need to consider finding someone else to write these (and the other) articles for you.

Step 3...Put up a little website or blogsite. (You want to be able to link your articles to one of your own sites.)

Step 4...Start building a list. (See this for more information.)

Step 5...Repeat steps 1 through 4!

I subscribe to Travis Sagos' Bum Marketing emails, have downloaded much of his material and watched all of his videos...and these steps are not mine...they are his. I follow these I share them with you.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Social Networking ---- Best Web 2.0

Social Networking Means Being Social

On MySpace, it's important to build up your friends' list and get comments on your MySpace page.

On Squidoo, while you don't have a friends' list, per se, you 'socialize' by leaving reader feedback and marking your favorite 'lenses'. There's also the forum at SquidU, where you can 'get better acquainted' with the other lensmasters.

The biggest difference on these Web 2.0 sites....if you try to blatantly market anything on MySpace, you might get banned. It's best to use their 'blog' feature, write a brief article about 'what' you are trying to market...and include a link to your site, where you are free to market to whomever visits.

On Squidoo, there are multiple ways to monetize. You can make money off of their 'share' system, which doesn't usually equate to a whole lot...unless your lens is highly ranked and getting hoards of visitors (and there are quite a few lenses that can boast this) are also able to put direct links into your lens so that your visitors can click and buy...or at the very least, visit your site.

Finally....niche specific Forums. Where better to 'social network' than with a group of like minded people? To find these forums, go to Google ... type in your niche...i.e... golf + forums.
But, get acquainted for a few days...before you start 'hawking your wares'... folks will tend to 'avoid' you if they think you're trying to 'sell them something'.
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Monday, May 11, 2009

I started this an find out if there were any 'honest to goodness'...programs that will give the information and direction needed to start a viable 'work from home' business. I have run across several....that I am currently signed up with...and pursuing.
In the 'course' of doing all of this research...I have signed up for so many 'offers' that my in boxes are always full. I've had to 'unsubscribe' to quite a few, leaving only those that I felt had something to offer that I could actually read the email that comes in.
Through one of the few emails I now receive, I went out and downloaded "200 Affiliate Programs" that pay 100% immediate commissions through PayPal.
Here is a link to that site. Since the site is just taking names, to be notified when their site is up...which is 'genius', as they are also building a list before 'opening their doors' I'm including a few of the programs from the list I received.
I haven't checked any of these out yet, (I just downloaded the list and wanted to share it right away) and I didn't have the time to 'link' each program, so you'll have to copy and paste the url into your search engine.
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Thursday, May 7, 2009

This program really does sound "too good to be true"...really...copy your campaign and make money from that????

It doesn't sound like something that was really "on the up-and-up" and I was pretty sure I'd probably be requesting a refund but, I believe in 'being fair'....and besides, how would I know if something worked..or didn't...unless I gave it a shot?

So, I took one of their campaigns, copied and pasted it, as laid out in the ebook. Within 24 hours I had a few sales. Granted, I wasn't planning my retirement (just yet) but not too bad for only 30 minutes of effort, seriously. I made less than $100.00 but...$80 for 30 minutes of work....I can 'live' with that amount.

Copy and Profit provides traffic generating methods... free and paid. Of course, the paid methods is Google AdWords...which I still have been reluctant to use. (To be honest...I don't have a big enough budget to 'gamble with something I haven't fully studied yet.)

For those on a ZERO spend me.., there are other methods you can use for traffic generation.

Some daily work is required, basically to see which campaign is generating sales and then fine tuning those. Often, in internet marketing, you will find a "magic" keyword that counts for 50% or more of your sales. With Copy and Profit, these keywords are given to you up front.

I think, Copy and Profit is well worth the small price of the program and if you follow the should recover your investment within one or two days of trying just one of the many campaigns there are to copy. If it doesn't, for whatever reason, work for you... you are protected by Clickbank's 100% no questions asked money back guarantee.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Affilorama Review

Once again I have 'stumbled' upon something that I think is worth's a program called...Affilorama.

You have two (which is always my first choice.)
or premium...(which gets you much more than free.)

A few of the things you can learn at Affilorama.

There's much...much more that they cover...both in video and written

I really recommend this the very least, I do think Affilorama is worth
a 'look'.
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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Scam Alert - How to Spot a Survey Scam

There are so many surveys scams on the internet today. You can spot them easily if they are asking you to pay them in for a list of companies to do surveys for. They tell you their hard to believe promises to make $125 an hour. They might even tell you that you can quit your job and do surveys full time.

The truth is that, not only can you "not get rich" doing surveys, chances are pretty good that you'll spend more time cleaning the spam out of your email in-box taking so much time away from filling out surveys for cash. It is possible to make some money, but nothing close to $125 an hour.

Any person or program telling you that you'll get rich quickly and easily... really is just trying to sell you something.

Always remember the ONE most important rule when it comes to spotting a paid survey scam, you shouldn't have to pay money to make money. Do not confuse this with, "it takes money to make money"...that's a whole different story...

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