I have been making my entire
from the internet, since 2005.
One of the ways I contribute to
my household funds is through Zazzle.
This is one of the mugs that I offer
through one of my three
Zazzle shops.
You don't have to be an artist to be able to take advantage
of this Free Site.
You just need an email address..
and a little imagination doesn't hurt either.
If you have some clever sayings
that you would like to see on T-Shirts..
if you have some doodles
that you think would look great on magnets or mugs..
if you have some photographs
that would make great greeting cards...
...whatever you think would make a great design...
you can put it together
and offer it for sale
on Zazzle..
They have recently added a wonderful new
feature that allows you
to make hundreds of products in as little as an hour.
If you can't figure it out...
drop me a note and I will walk you through it!
I really am selling hundreds of products a month...
through my three shops..
and that is doing it on a very part-time basis.