Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ready 2 Go

This blog is about
work at home program
that actually work.
At least, I hope they do.
So, I'm trying a few of them out...
to find out if they do or not...
and then I'll write about
what I find out...
right here.
But first, a very brief...brief bio about me.
I am considered a "senior citizen" by AARP's standards...
but I'm not old enough to collect social security
and won't be for a few more years.
I worked a "real" J.O.B. for most of my life.
I took 'early retirement'...and lost my shirt on the
penalties, fees and taxes...leaving me with
little more than the money to buy;
a digital camera, a computer and pay a couple of bills.
So..I decided to go 'online'...and make my money there.
For four years, all of my income has been made
from the internet but, in the field I have
chosen...I'm not quite making enough to make ends meet.
I do make sales...several times a week...but, I need
DAILY income!
When I started this blog, I knew I wanted it to
be about making money online.
But, I'm not an expert, I'm not an affiliate (yet) and
I didn't have much to share.
So, the blog was left, pretty much unattended, for about
six weeks.
Recently, I began an intensive study into the various
ways to make money online.
I found some programs that I think are viable
and others...well...I'm pretty skeptical.
I don't have any expendible income at the moment..
heck..that includes MOST
I decided to look at the programs that were
either FREE or very close to it!
Then, I decided to experiment with several of
these programs to see if they work or not...and record
everything I learn...on this blog...
to share with others.
I'm giving the experiment...six weeks...since
I think if there are any viable programs out there...I should
know something..or make something...within a
six week period.
So...stay Tuned...if you want to
see how the experiment turns out.

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