Monday, March 9, 2009

Article Writing for Beginners

Article Writing for Beginners.

It's been a while, but I still remember my high school journalism basics.

3. When
4. Why
5. How

Who did what? Why, when and how did they do it?

Let's say that I want to write an article about, 'earthworm castings'.

I would begin the article by, explaining WHAT earthworm castings are.
WHY earthworm castings are used. HOW we use them.
WHEN is the best times to use them. WHO can we get the earthworm castings from.

Just by using the 'traditional' basics...who...what...when...where...and..why...I am able to put together a very quick and very basic outline. Answer those five 'questions' about pretty much any subject and you have yourself an article.

I'm able to write a quick 350 word article in just a few minutes, if I know what subject (or niche) I want to write about and I use this very basic outline

1 comment:

OnlineMarketingGuru said...

You stated here some excellent article writing tips and I have to agree that illustrating points such as WHY, HOW, and WHAT is important. it gives you credibility and positions you as an expert.

Thanks for sharing this post.