Wednesday, December 10, 2008

About the experiment

My 30 day work at home programs experiment.
I am going to follow the FREE steps given for FOUR 'make money online' Programs.

A. PotPieGirl Programs

B. Bum Marketing

C. Long Tail Treasure

D. Niche Marketing Websites

Since I will be starting in mid December it will probably end up more like 45 days (because of the holidays), but I will be recording everything here on this blog, so you can read about it, or try it yourself if you like.
I decided to start now, instead of waiting until after the first of the year, because I need to make money from one, or all, of these soon as possible.

So, I'm keeping a positive attitude that these are viable programs that I can share with you all.


Michael said...

I'm very interested. Will be following to see what happens.

TripleLLL said...

Interesting site. I'd like to make some money selling stuff on e-Bay, but it seems as if everyone wants a piece of what you're earning.

Good luck.

I hope you have time to check out my site.